+1 717 615 1505


Want to be a worker ?

Request for working with us

Are you already working with us ?

Present your request or give us feedback.

Are you a Company?

If you are a company and want to work with us, click here.

Are you one of our clients?

Present your request o give us feedback.


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You Have a Question?
Let us Answer it.

If you are interested in learning more about our staffing agency, we would love to hear from you! We have a variety of ways in which you can contact us, so feel free to choose the one that works best for you.


We use messagins apps to stay connected with you. DM us if you have any questions or want to learn more about our services.

+1 717 615 1505


We value your time and aim to provide quick responses to all email inquiries.


Phone Number

Call us to speak with a friendly representative

+1 717 333 6878

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers.

What types of jobs do you offer?
We offer temporary, temp-to-perm, and direct hire positions across a variety of industries and skill levels.
How long are the assignments?

The length of the assignment varies depending on the client’s needs, but can range from a few days to several months.

What benefits do you offer?

We offer a range of benefits to our employees, including health insurance, paid time off, paid overtime and/or retirement savings options depending about the company are you going to work.

How do I apply for a job through your agency?

You can apply for a job through our agency by submitting your resume and filling out an application on our website, calling us or writing us in Whatsapp.

How often do you have new job openings?

We have new job openings on a regular basis, as our clients’ needs and staffing requirements can change frequently. We recommend checking our website or contacting by call or Whatsapp to stay up to date on our current job openings.

What is the pay rate for your positions?

The pay rate for our positions varies depending on the specific job and industry, but we strive to offer competitive pay rates to our employees.

Do you offer any training or professional development opportunities?

Yes, we offer training and professional development opportunities to our employees to help them grow their skills and advance their careers.

What is the hiring process like?

Our hiring process typically involves submitting an application, completing an interview, and potentially undergoing a skills assessment or background check, depending on the client’s requirements.

What sets your agency apart from other staffing agencies?

We pride ourselves on providing personalized and attentive service to both our clients and job seekers. We strive to build long-term relationships with both parties and help them achieve their goals.