+1 717 615 1505


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Join our Team at Quality Services Enterprise

Are you looking for a job that can provide you with valuable work experience and skills? Consider joining us.

Benefits of working with Us.

By joining a staffing agency, you can gain access to a wide range of job opportunities that may not be advertised elsewhere. These agencies often have established relationships with various companies and can help you find a job that matches your skills and experience.

Overall, joining a staffing agency can be a great way to kickstart your career or gain valuable work experience. So if you’re looking for a job, consider reaching out to us!


We offer flexibility in terms of scheduling, allowing you to take on work only when you’re available or when it suits your lifestyle.


Working for a staffing agency can help you expand your professional network and potentially lead to new job opportunities.

Training and development

Some staffing agencies offer training and development opportunities to their employees.


We provide the opportunity to work in different industries and job roles, giving you the chance to acquire new skills and experiences.


We can provide a steady stream of income, especially if you’re able to secure long-term assignments or contract work.

Exposure to new industries and companies

Working for a staffing agency can expose you to different industries and companies, which can help you determine your career interests and goals.

Benefits of working with Us.

We provide you with valuable work experience and skills that can help you in your future career. By working in different industries and roles, you can develop a diverse set of skills and gain a better understanding of what you enjoy and excel at.

Overall, joining a staffing agency can be a great way to kickstart your career or gain valuable work experience. So if you’re looking for a job, consider reaching out to Quality Services Enterprise!

We are located in Pennsylvania

Consider working for a staffing agency if you’re looking for a flexible and varied work experience while expanding your professional network, earning income, and gaining access to training and development opportunities.



Contact Service


It is necessary to speak English, pleasant work environment, 8 hours a day, Monday to Friday

Packing - Warehouse


Starts from $16 an hour, first and third shifts, 36 hours in 3 days at week

Stacking - Warehouse


Starts from $16 an hour, first and third shifts, 36 hours in 3 days at week